I’m an incoming Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University’s Department of Statistics & Data Science. I graduated with distinction from University of Wisconsin-Madison with double majors in Mathematics & Statistics and a minor in Computer Science.

I’m interested in research topics including applied statistics in physical science, especially astrophysics and cosmology, astrostatistics, spatial statistics, ill-posed inverse problems, simulation-based inference, and analysis of large-scale structures and multi-messenger sources. I have been working on developing a new methodology for identifying spatial similarities/correlation between IceCube point-source data and tracers of Large Scale Structure, advised by Prof. Jessi Cisewski-Kehe and Prof. Ke Fang. The paper is preparing for submission in 2024. Some of my previous research and project experiences are related to feature selection, geometric group theory, and random integer matrices.

I enjoy a few hobbies, including digital and film photography, playing electric and acoustic guitar (I have a 20-year-old acoustic guitar), table tennis, soccer, cycling, and collecting glassware ;-).